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Your shared apartment emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Blinking to yourself you look over your new form in the mirror, backing away slightly. How could this have happened, initially you thought the sign was some sick joke but now… it all feels so real. A low hissing begins to echo throughout the room and your enhanced smelling tells you that there is some kind of gas entering the room. Desperately you cover your nose but eventually you succumb to the sleeping gas and collapse on the ground in a deep sleep.


You awaken in your bed and sit straight up. You let out a slight chuckle at your bizarre dream but freeze when a paw enters your vision as you go to wipe the sweat away from your brow. You let out a feminine scream and roll out of bed landing on the ground in your usual loose tank-top and boxers you wear as pyjamas. To your horror your screams seem to not have gone unnoticed and your door is opening.

Written by The Only One on 04 November 2017

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