You walk towards a costume which at first looks like a fish's tail, but attached you find two horses legs. Recognizing this as a hippocampus, you decide to try it on.
You pull the horses legs up your own, in a quite snug but uncomfortable fit. As soon as you get it around you waist, however, you notice the seem in the costume disappear and meld with your skin. You feel the bones in your legs shift and break and you feet shrink. Suddenly you notice your legs are no longer in the costume, but part of it. Weakly, you manage to keep standing on your legs, but balance is difficult.
Behind you, the tail that once hung limp moves up and seals itself against you back. Pain shoots down your spine as it begins to lengthen, and the tail, your tail, begins to inflate. Gradually it begins to slow leaving you with a magnificent fish's tail. You rest it against the floor supporting you body.
A tingling begins in your groin as you remember these were all female costumes. It spreads through you arms and head, soon leaving you with those of a teenage girl. You realize what is to come next as the tingling centers on your chest. Soon you are left with two fairly impressive breasts.
You try to move, but find it difficult with your ungainly tail, and look around the room. At one side you find a pool of water you never noticed before, and jump in. Now you can truly appreciate the new form you are in, and set off to explore...
Written by Vanghar on 05 November 2006
The end (for now)