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You walk up to what looks like a large snake skin. Picking it up, you quickly realize the head is replaced by a hole. Sitting down you quickly work your legs in, and pull it up to you waist.


No sooner that you pull it up, the seam seems to meld into your skin. You feel a sickening sensation as your legs inside the skin seem to melt, and your flesh rushes into the skin, inflating it; as muscles, organs and bones grow inside it.


From the waist downwards, you now have the body of a snake. Along the belly are light brown scales, whilst you see the top is covered in a darker splotchy pattern. Experimenting with your new form, you seen find it incredibly easy to move about in your new form, and barely notice the door opening...

Illustrated by dragon-storm

Written by Vanghar on 04 November 2006

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