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Out of Control emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

But once she tries to launch off the floor, your front legs slip up, causing your body to spin out of control. Everything moves in slow motion as you watch yourself falling, heading straight toward that impending impact into the cold hard floor.


When you land, your face smacks down hard first, followed by the rest of your body, the collision from your body mass causing the impact to end up much worse. Everything hurts when you try to get up. Even then, the movement is so utter broken up that none of you can stand up properly, no matter how hard the leopard is willing to try.


It seems like the two of you need to coordinate yourselves together, in order to allow proper movement to occur. You know it; she knows it, too. Now the real matter is, will the two of you be willing to cooperate? Or must you disagree with everything anyone of you want to do?


Written by Stella Purple on 10 September 2017

Both Work together
Both Refuse

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