A choice
Not wanting to get up, you slowly and gently crawl out of bed making sure not to wake your new wife. You kiss her on the cheek before heading out to help Coke with gathering food.
You and Coke plop down at the home fire exhausted. It's been fourteen days since you arrived and already you've found a mate and your food gathering efforts have gotten you a great deal of respect from Slag and the rest of the village.
You share a drink with Coke before heading home. You want to wash the fish smell off of you before Ember gets home from patrol.
You exit the hot steaming bath drying your scales with a fur pelt. You check Ember's clutch of eggs by the fire making sure to rotate them. You can't help but grin as you gently place the soft otter fur blanket back over the eggs.
You jump into bed and await your wife.
You nudge a bit uncomfortably at a lump under the pelts. You pull out a familiar piece of cloth from under the pelts.
Written by SkyBrigidRain on 01 October 2017
The end (for now)