A finished cave
You close the finished door to your new cave and smile. Fourteen days of hard work has produced a nice looking home for you.
You smile wider as you brush some sawdust from the new door and admire your work.
You head inside closing the door behind you. Your fire is lit and slow roasting some spicy meat. The light dances on your intricately carved walls.
You've carved shelves and nooks for food and supplies in your walls. Even a space to brew your own mead. The cave smells of light smoke, roasting meat, and fresh cut wood.
You set your tools on your freshly made table and stretch. You head to your bed for a quick nap before eating.
You notice a lump in the furs. You lift one of them up and pull out a familiar piece of cloth.
What will you do?
Written by SkyBrigidRain on 16 September 2017
The end (for now)