Start of answers
The following day however, as you rise and find yourself struggling your way into your wrapped linen robes once again, you begin to understand a little more.
You work in the temple as though it were your job. You assist Lira in guiding visitors to various rooms, and listen, as rapt as they are, while she tells them about magical history and truths of this world that you should obviously know too. Around noon however, you find yourself alone in guiding a couple to one of the chambers you have already visited once that day. Lira has other tasks to accomplish, and though she knows that you are not entirely at home here yet, she trusts you. A fact of which you are both grateful, but also somewhat nervous to be told.
You make it about half way there before the questions begin. Not questions of lore or history, but personal, friendly questions. Only then does it occur to you that this pair were familiar in their introductions with Lira. They acted as though they knew her well, and thus, they probably knew Serrin, too.
Now they joke with you. They laugh as they ask you why you're being so quiet, whether you had some great cosmic secret revealed to you which stole your tongue away. You can't help but laugh back at that. If only they knew.
When you arrive at the location in question, you turn to see the two men, fox and otter, holding hands. They move closer to one another before entering the chamber to which you have led them, and they kiss.
The fox looks at you, smirking at your slightly bashful glance.
“When was the last time you and Lira visited this chamber?”
Written by Jeeves on 19 September 2017