You poke your head back out of the water, though just enough so that you can gaze upon the townsfolk and attempt to hear what they are saying. You are silent the whole while, focusing on whatever words you can pick up.
From the sounds of things there is going to be a ceremony that will last into the evening. A ceremony,you realize, that revolves around Cid for some reason. THAT was why he couldn’t slip away into the ocean. Though why hadn’t he told you about it sooner?
Deciding to wait a bit longer, just to check on things, you continue to float on in the shallows, wondering if anyone might notice you bobbing up and down within the waves.
You notice Cid take several looks out towards the ocean, his gaze full of longing. It doesn’t take long to realize he’s looking in the direction of the cave and a small flutter enters your chest with excitement. So he really did care! You feel so excited that you begin wiggling in place, hoping with all your heart that sometime during this ceremony you might get the chance to speak with Cid somehow. It is a long shot, but still… you want to talk with him no matter what the risk.
But for now you’ll play it safe, wait until dusk, and then try approaching the land. It doesn’t appear as if any of the locals have noticed you spying on them, and for that you are grateful once more. Sure they don’t
bad but that doesn’t necessarily mean they were incapable of doing bad things.
Throughout the day the townsfolk seem to be throwing a party, much of the attention on your friend Cid, and that makes you feel jealous. You want him all for your own… not to have to share him with these people! You let out a soft huff, cross your arms, and continue to wait until the sun begins to set on the horizon.
Soon, you tell yourself, soon you’ll be able to try and get Cid’s attention once more.
It seems that with things getting later in the day Cid has also eased to the edge of the group, sitting alone as he watched his fellow townsfolk enjoy themselves. Does he not want to be there, you wonder? Gah… all this waiting and watching is making you even more anxious about the whole situation.
Written by HiddenFruit on 30 August 2017