Watch Him Go
Cid frowns, noticing your distress at the situation. “You weren’t expecting me to have to go so soon, were you?” He asked softly.
“No…” Your gaze lowers again. You don’t want to look at him and make him start to feel guilty about having to go home. Hell, you already feel guilty enough about the situation to cover both of you.
“Oh Sleek…” Cid reaches out, laying a hand upon your cheek. “You don’t need to be sad, okay? I
you I’ll be back tomorrow.” He drew back again, splashing a little water your way. “So cheer up~”
You can’t help but let out a little giggle as the water smacks against your body. You manage to lift your gaze back to Cid, seeing his gentle smile, and you feel reassured that he truly will be back for you.
“Alright… It’s a promise!”
You watch Cid as he makes his way back to the town, seeing his figure fade in the distance once more. Once he makes it to the shore you turn back towards the open waves of the ocean.
You’ve got the rest of the day ahead of you to explore with this new body… and you figure that you’ll need to find somewhere you can rest for the night as well. Food is another problem; has the magic of the costume made it so that you can eat raw fish? It’d make sense if it did, but you can’t help but worry that something might go wrong with this whole transformation business.
Written by HiddenFruit on 28 August 2017