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Stay in the ocean emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Cid reads you expression easily enough, shaking his head. “Sorry… If you’re not sure about coming to the town I guess I’ll just have to come out and meet you instead~” With a playful grin reappearing on his face Cid leans forward and gently boops you on the nose.


“That is, if that’s okay with you?”


His words calm your racing thoughts and bring a smile back to your face as well. Before you stop to consider what you’re doing you swim closer to Cid and wrap your arms around his neck in a gentle embrace.


Cid responds in kind and wraps his arms around your middle, holding you close. You decide that this sort of interaction feels nice, and a rumbling noise of content leaves you. It is only your first day as a Selkie, yet you feel happy…


Was this meant to be?


You haven’t really given thought to if you might want to stay in this form just yet, or at least haven’t considered how long you’d want to be a Selkie. A female Selkie at that. You realize you don’t feel upset about that, however. Even if you’d been a male before you feel comfortable now…


…and it couldn’t hurt to remain in this form for at least a few days.


Written by HiddenFruit on 25 August 2017

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