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Into the Cave emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

But for some reason you decide to follow after this light anyway, risk or not. Whether a rebel for the moment or if you’ve always been you’ve decided that you’re going to see the inquiry all the way through.


Once more you begin making your way along, heading into the cave with your tail swishing back and forth. You reach out, trailing your hand over the smooth stone of the cavern’s walls. This cave, you realize, must have been submerged for some time in order for the stone to be as smooth as it was.


After a few moments you get closer to the source of the light, slowing down a bit as you carefully move around a bend in the cavern before your dark eyes widen.


It is not at the creature you are staring, but rather the rocks that were softly shining within this point of the cave. This, you realize, must have been the cause of the illumination farther back.


But as you reach out to the glowing rocks you realize that you are not alone. A hand moves over your own and causes you to flinch. Your dark eyes turn towards the hand’s owner and you discover the one you were following wasn’t a sea critter at all! Instead you are face to face with a young, male diver wearing scuba gear.


His features, you notice, are fairer than your own. His skin is light and his hair a brilliant honey blonde. Behind the mask he wears you can make out the blue hues of his eyes.


Your heart skips a beat as you look into them.


Have you met an angel fallen from the world’s above?


For a long moment the two of you stare at each other, neither of you drawing back. You soon realize that he’s still holding onto your hand and a thought occurs to you.


Written by HiddenFruit on 16 August 2017

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