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Back to the surface emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Out of habit you still break the surface, a bit nervous to see if you can breathe underwater just yet. You take a deep breath of air before looking back the way you’ve come.


There is nothing but the open sky above, the wide blue ocean around you, and that town off in the distance. Things feel peaceful and you find yourself relaxing. It is almost as if the world doesn’t even know your current body was brought about by changing into a costume… it just kept on going naturally.


A light laugh escapes you, revealing how happy you feel at the moment. Sure things are different, strange, and new… but this no longer seems to be a concern of yours. The odd pains you felt while transforming are a thing of the past too and you feel reinvigorated! You feel completely at home in your new skin, even if it might end up being temporary, including the gender change. It almost feels as though you were always made to be this way.


After another moment you dive below the surface once more, sliding through the water easily as you slip deeper and deeper into the depths of the ocean. Your tail moves you along easily, gaining speed as you start to explore this new world that lays before you. Some bubbles trail past your face as you breathe in awe; who on earth might have thought there was such a beautiful world under the surface of the ocean?


The new eyes that came with this transformation help with that of course; they are specially adapted to seeing in this element after all. Things appear even sharper to you than if you were wearing a paid of goggles and scuba gear. Excitement bubbled up within your chest as you saw some fish swimming in their schools. This world is your world now, you think to yourself. Who knows what other mystical things you might find out here. Another selkie, maybe? A mermaid?


A natural curiosity draws you forth, almost like a laser pointer might draw the attention of a common house cat. Your eyes are bright and alert, keeping focused on something in the distance. Whatever the creature was it seemed to be swimming in the same direction you were traveling in allowing it to get farther away.

Written by HiddenFruit on 09 August 2017

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