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Rehersale emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“I see that everyone is here,” the dour female, whose name you’d learned yesterday as Yranna, says in a carrying voice after it seemed that nobody else was due to arrive. “For the next few days we’ll be practicing all day until half an hour before sunset, with two decent breaks throughout the day. Food and beverages shall be provided so that none of you shall have to leave for refreshment.”


Hearing that there would be food and drink in exchange for their effort brings some cheering from the assembled folk. The reaction brings an almost imperceptible smile to Yranna’s face. Once the cheering dies down you are grouped up with two other tigerfolk, also chosen as traders, to practice the lines for your specific parts in the play. It goes well and through the day you and your fellow traders perfect one scene, with another partially perfected.


Just as Yranna is thanking everyone at the end of the day for their hard work a teenaged female slips off the stage and injures her ankle. Luckily for the production, practice can be done sitting down until her ankle has recovered.


A few more days pass with intensive practice and many sandwiches, everyone heading home exhausted at sunset, though progress is very fast. At the meeting after the third day of practice Yranna announces that tomorrow will be dress rehearsal to allow everyone to get comfortable in their costumes before the play. With that, everyone is sent home to clean up and rest.


The next day you gather up with your fellow actors outside the doors to the vast costume store room beneath the theatre. Everyone is anxious to get inside and hunt down their costumes, though you were all told the store room is well labelled and that nobody should have much trouble. Everyone is chomping at the bit while Yranna patiently unlocks the doors. Once open, everyone floods in, spreading out to search through the well-labelled isles and racks for their costumes and the accompanying clothes.

Written by green-eyedtiger on 17 August 2017

Both A Costume

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