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You walk back through the doors a few hours later carrying a number of hare and quail, as well as two pheasants. You look very dishevelled but also you feel very satisfied by your first hunt. You present your catch to the crusty male and you pay what he asks for.


“Wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asks in a jovial tone and marks your catch down in a different ledger. “And how might you be wanting these processed?”


“No, it wasn’t too bad,” you reply with a tired smile. “Can you have them all smoked and sectioned, then sent up to my home? Or do I need to come back to fetch it all?”


“Oh, not at all, missy,” he said with a dismissive wave. “You can head home. Our boys will sort out your catch and cart it over when it’s ready.”


You thank him and give your address, which he scribbles down, and head out and back up the hill wanting nothing more than a very long soak in the bath tub. Back in your home you stoke up the fire as quickly as you can and boil enough water to fill the big tub in the bathroom. Within the hour you are relaxing in the hot water, letting the hot water soften the dirt and blood caked in your fur. After your bath you dry off into a fluffball and go to sleep dressed in a plain white slip, too tired to bother with anything to eat.


The next morning, while enjoying a very hearty helping of herby French toast, you hear a knock on your door. You find it odd, since nobody has knocked on your door yet. Trying not to be irritated over pausing in your breakfasting you walk over to your door and open it, your eyes rising when you see who it is.


“Good morning,” the girl from about a week ago said, beaming up at you. “I’ve been sent by my mum to enquire if you’d like to trade some of your food for ours? My da caught a deer yesterday, but nothing else and he heard from Mr Hugo at the reserve that you caught some small game.”

Written by green-eyedtiger on 06 August 2017

Both Add the eggs

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