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Wait until you out of meat emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

It’s been two days since your meat supply ran out and you’re craving meat much more badly than you had expected to. Your meat had only lasted for two more days and now your coat has become dull and you feel more and more unsatisfied after a meal.


“That’s it,” you say out loud while thumping the table with your paw. “I need meat and there’s only one honest place to get it.”


Within the hour you’ve changed into a shirt and pants you wouldn’t mind getting dirty, grabbed your coin pouch and headed down the town’s hill towards the hunting reserve.


“Ah, missy, I see you’re finally back. Shall I book you through?” the crusty male asked you and pulls out a ledger and a pencil and looks at you expectantly.


“Um…yes, please,” you reply shyly and then watch him scribble something down. You give him your name when asked for it and you are told the entry fee. You pay the fee and he indicates which way to go. You go through the doors and are immediately outside surrounded by trees and the smell of a forest. You take a deep breath and feel your hunting instincts increasing in strength until they take over and you dash off into the brush.

Written by green-eyedtiger on 01 August 2017


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