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Caulmon emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“Back here, culu!” a girl called out from behind the house. “I've been waiting, culu!” You follow Guilmon behind the house. Your steps not as eager has they would have been earlier, maybe it's the suit you convince yourself. It doesn't want stuck back on that hanger.


“ Welcome! Culu!” said a tiny fairy like digimon, she was all white but for the small red triangle on the centre of its forehead, it was circled by other triangles' they were black. It also had purple socked feet and purple tipped ear, so all white was a little inaccurate ,you guess.


“I heard about your problem, culu.” Caulmon said flying over to look at your face.


“You want me to help Guilmon, culu?” Caulmon turned to Guilmon. Guilmon wraps his tail around himself to play with it with his claws.


“If it makes her, no him; happy.” Guilmon looks deep into your eyes, you can't turn away. His eyes were full of caring and love; and so quickly. You don't know if your flattered or repulsed.


“ A Tamer will come and pick up you up and take you home in the next gate, culu.” Caulmon was a cute digimon but it seemed to look at you with more knowledge then you think a fairy species could. “The outfit will go away with the next trip, but only if you take it soon. Otherwise you're stuck, forever a Renamon, culu.” Caulmon spins around you before stopping in front of your face again. “If that's what you wish.”


“I-I have to go home now.” A tearful Guilmon takes off. You hesitate to follow.


“You have to choose now, they'll be here soon, culu.” Caulmon stops waiting for your choice.

Written by psto1464 on 12 July 2017

Both Follow him!
Both Wait for the Tamer

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