You woke up, with the sound of another horse sniffing near you. Dirty breath entered your nostrils making you cringe as you raised your head. Your snout pulled back as you noticed the rather large black pegasus standing in front of you. His eyes a deep green making you take a defiant step backwards. A feeling of dread filling you as your spine shivered before trying to stand your own ground.
Waking up to the stallion probably wasn’t your ideal adventure. Not to mention the eerie feeling that surrounded him. If you were to get to the next costume you needed no trouble, it figured that this dark forest was a bad idea. However else were you to get to the forbidden castle though? You couldn’t fly - and it was at least another week’s travel or so towards the place. You shut your eyes and took a deep breath, opening them again and the Stallion was still staring at you.
“Excuse me?” You asked, trying to hide the shakiness behind your voice. “What’s your name?” You figure maybe a friendly approach is the best decision. That way there wouldn’t be a fight or something you didn’t want happening.
“You have a hard path in front of you stranger?” The stallion suddenly spoke. “Are you sure you want to leave this place? It’s comfortable, you are comfortable.” You perked your ears forward furrowing your brows confused as you tilted your head to the side. Whatever was this stallion speaking of - the only thing you had thought of SINCE you got here from that door was moving onto the next world. A new world, and perhaps one you would be able to find yourself in.
“I have no desire to stay - only to get to the forbidden castle.” You spoke straightening your head and taking a confident step forward towards the stranger fists clenched. The Stallion's eyes glinted for a moment.
“But what friends do you have in unknown worlds? What do you have here - familiarity now. From that costume you placed on and became…. This.” You scoffed - how could this creature know of what you had known. There surely wasn’t more humans here were there? Or costume goers that you did not know of. You stamped a hoof on the ground more aggressively this time.
“The friends I make here are none of your business, they are each in turn beautiful but I must leave! The castle calls to my soul.” You neigh angrily at the creature, as he flicked his ears you still stand with a firey pit of rage in your stomach. The stallion seemed surprised if anything, you didn’t seem to want to back down. Perhaps it was another costume goer who had decided to stay in this world ignoring the call of the castle. However, you could not, sneering at the stallion you turned and started towards the castle once more. Trying to leave him behind and his hateful words. Trying to make sure you didn’t trip as you did.
Written by Rivaxorus on 01 June 2017