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Department Store emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You peer out into the hall and twitch your small ears. Everything looks exactly as it did when you entered. You cautiously make your way back into the department store, hiding amongst clothes as to avoid startling anyone with your appearance. Suddenly a figure approaches you and you spin around. Before you stands a similar looking female raccoon of your age and height. She holds a clipboard to her chest and an earpiece rests in the crevice of her ear. She smiles, revealing sharp teeth just like yours.


“May I just say, you are looking beautiful today, darling!”


You lose your breath at the thought of being called beautiful. It’s not exactly something you are accustomed to. You smile back politely, saying nothing.


“Let’s get you into something nice, okay? I have just the thing.”


She leads you off into the store.


The employee looks you up and down. “Now you seem like the…minimalist type, so let’s get you started with a strapless shirt and these comfortable shorts!” She finishes with a smile, handing you the clothing.


You look down at the feminine clothing in your paws as she leads you back into the dressing room. Inside, you search again for a way out. Nothing. You admit defeat, trying on the clothing. The thin shirt and small shorts fit you well. You reemerge from the dressing room. The employee waiting for you outside chatters with glee. “Let’s check you out, alright?


She leads you to the nearest cash register and rapidly presses several buttons, chattering to herself in the process. “The total will be 74.53. Will that be cash or credit?”


You reach into the pockets of the clothing you’re attempting to purchase. Suddenly, you realize the obvious. You look up at the employee and smile. She looks you up and down.


“Cash, or credit?”

Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 12 May 2017

Both Run

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