On the clothing rack in front of you hangs a raccoon costume. It appears as though it’s meant for a female. Nevertheless, you are compelled to try it on. Placing your jeans on the seat in the corner, you remove the costume from the hanger and hold it out to examine.
The costume’s black and gray rings appear shiny, and its fur is soft and smooth. You place your right leg in, then your left. It fits tightly around your waist. You place your arms in the sleeves, then close the front around your chest.
A strange sensation overcomes you. The costume begins to fuse with your skin as black and gray fur replace every inch of flesh. Small paw pads develop over the skin on your palms and the soles of your feet. Claws form soon afterwards, and you recoil as you almost scratch yourself. A large, bushy tail sprouts from the base of your spine, catching you off balance. Its ringed pattern is identical to the soft fur covering your body.
A small snout grows out from your nose, sprouting whiskers on each side. Small ears develop on the top of your head and your hearing advances exponentially. Your chest begins to expand as breasts develop, much to your surprise. A sensation below draws your attention to a weightless, tighter feeling between your legs.
You face the full-length mirror inside the dressing room and look at your new body. A slender yet athletic figure stares back. Your eyes are much larger than you remember, now big and brown. At least I’m attractive, you think. Wait, what? You shake your head and scratch at your ear. I have to get out of here. You look down at the jeans you intended to wear, then back in the mirror at your unclothed body. Oh well. First things first. Your clumsily paw at the door handle, struggling to get it open. After a few moments the door swings open with a creak.
Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 06 May 2017