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Stay and Talk emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You decide that making a run for it in your condition isn’t the best idea. You have no idea the extent of your injuries past your spine hurting as you sat up earlier. Besides, you figure that if he was going to hurt you in any way, he wouldn’t be seeing how you were feeling. Of course, you know that it isn’t out of the question, but it’s probably a small chance.


You realize that during this whole thought process, the old wolf was simply watching you with knowing eyes. “It’s probably in your best interest to not run. The whole rest of my pack is right outside this cave, you wouldn’t get past them in your current state.”


You open your mouth to ask him what your current state is, but immediately break out into a fit of coughs and your throat feels as if it is on fire. You grab onto it and screw your eyes shut in pain, unable to do anything but take in ragged breaths.


“Here,” You hear him say, and open one of your eyes to see him holding out what looks like a bowl shaped leaf full of what appears to be water. “Drink this, slowly.”


You shakily reach out one of your hands and are momentarily shocked. You forgot that you had been turned into a wolf, your paw startling you. Your desire for the water was far more important at that moment though, so you quickly grab the leaf and bring it towards you, taking note of your elongated face.


Although it takes you a minute, and you spill quite a bit of the water onto yourself, you finally manage to pour the drink into your maw, gulping it down against the instructions of the elder.


As it slid down your throat, it soothed the fire there and made your insides feel chilled, in a good way. You quickly finish off the amount left in the leaf and set it down, looking at the wolf who was now sitting on a round stone a bit in front of you.


“Better?” He asks simply, watching you with curious eyes.


You nod, deciding to try and talk again. “Whe…” You hesitate, but feel no pain from trying to talk this time, giving you the courage to continue. “Where am I?” You are momentarily startled at the feminine voice that comes from your mouth, but then quickly chide yourself for forgetting once again that you had been transformed.


“I will explain in just a minute.” He starts, holding out his paws, trying to give you something. “But first you need to chew on these herbs, they’ve been helping with your recovery. It’s time for you to take them again, and now that you’re awake it will be much easier.”


He turns his paw upwards and opens it, revealing what looks like some stems and small weird looking leaves.


You’re not sure what to do. You can either trust what he says about them, or you can refuse to take something from this strange wolf.

Written by Pandachannnnn on 05 April 2017

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