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To the left emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Why on earth would you go to the village? That would be like walking straight into these strange wolves’ arms. As you turned to your left and sprinted for the dense trees, you could hear the wolves calling to each other behind you, and it didn’t sound like they were after you.. yet. You weren’t going to stop and make sure though, as you pushed through the first bit of brush between the trees at the beginning of the woods. Trying to jump over and dodge every fallen log and branch proved to be difficult after quite a few, and you realized that heading into the forest may not have been the best idea. By now you could hear the sounds of them following you and you started to panic. You knew that there was no way you would be able to outrun them, and you notice a low hanging branch coming up on your right. Deciding that there was probably no other way, you jump up to grab the branch, gasping in pain as you pull yourself up and then proceed to jump onto the next one. You then get onto a branch that doesn’t have another branch close enough for you to just grab onto and climb. This worries you, as you are afraid that you might be able to be seen from here; but the idea of jumping for the next branch scares you just as much when you think about falling.
You can either stay where you are and risk being seen, or try and jump to the next branch, with the risk of falling and hurting yourself more before getting caught.

Written by Pandachannnnn on 23 February 2017

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