Go to the Other Birds
“I don’t.... Really have any idea what I’m supposed to be doing or how this whole... bird business works. Perhaps it would be better to spy on the other birds for a bit, see if I can pick up on something!” You shifted your eyes over to the grouping of birds. They were off in the distance though, meaning you’d have to figure out how to get to them.
“I guess... It’s time to figure out this wing business again.” Your arms extend, spreading both wings to your side. You lift them, giving a single pump through the air. Instantly, your body jolted up slightly. Your arms gave another pump, lifting you up taller. It’s an alien sensation, feeling the wind rising up through the little edges, the fringes tickling the feathers as you began to lift up through the air. You begin moving forward, lifting towards the group of bird.
As you began to hover above them, you watch with wide eyes at the sight of a strange, elaborate set of motions. As you began to flap and pump your wings higher, you witness two birds hovering closer and closer to each other. Their heads bobbed, side to side and waggling through the air until them came into touching distance.
A high-pitched shrieking sound leaves them both before they began to jump. Their heads bobbing and beaks clacking together, they appear to be performing an elaborate dance to each other.
You begin to drop towards the ground, landing on a soft patch of grass. As soon as you landed, another bird is suddenly approaching you!
It’s beak is clicking, feathers fluffing as he occasionally ducked in for plucking and preening as he worked closer and closer towards you. “W-what is this?”
Suddenly, from deep inside your groin, you feel a sudden stirring. A sudden urge began to percolate through your body, an urge to participate in this strange dancing motion. The male birds wings stretched out, arching up through the air while his beak pointed upwards. “Eeee Eee Ck Ck Ck Ck-” The sound of his squeaking and beak clicking is increasing as he steps closer and closer.
“What is this?!” you think, “What’s happening?” Then, turning, you see the other pair of birds have suddenly become the much more blatant act of breeding!
“Oh! No!” While your mind instantly says no to the idea of being apart of this breeding ritual, you realize that what your body is saying is entirely different! Your body is most certainly revving to go! You feeling the strange sensation of your cloaca, the female bird’s breeding hole essentially, beginning to expand as it prepare for the mating ritual.
“I-I don’t want to be a part of this... Or do?”
Written by Picklessauce69 on 12 June 2016