So not only have you been trapped in this weird mansion, you are now a tiger and female too.
You look around the room finding it very similar to the foyer of the mansion. Looking back through the doorway you came in you find it bricked up.
“Wasn’t their are male door” you think and you retrace your steps. Unfortunately for you their is no hallway their anymore. It has been replaced by a large indoor jungle.
You track the sounds of birds and you find cleverly hidden speakers . Seems like you are the only creature in this jungle. The place seems like a zoo, a magical zoo.
Taking a sniff of the air you find a scent of humans. following the scent you find a gate. Latched of cause meaning you can’t open it with your paws. So back to the search for being human. Now where was the entry to this room?
You look around and realise that you have lost track of where exactly you came in. There is no way to tell which direction was which. Even your scent trail has been masked by other scents.
Now if it was a exhibit in a zoo their should be a window of some description for the visitors. So if you can find that you can orientate yourself. Then a thought runs through your mind “what if it is a zoo outside of the mansion. Which would mean you are stuck.”
A groan escaped your lips, which sounded entirely like a roar, shaking the room a bit.
Written by catprog on 29 January 2012
The end (for now)