“Of course I am!” You replied.
“Then why can’t you move the sarcophagus? Why have you been telling the others you’re so all powerful if you can’t even do that?” The sentiment stung your stomach like the sting of a wasp. You took a moment to craft your response.
“You’re right.” He looked at you with large curious eyes. “I am merely a demigod…” You continued, trying to avoid any more eye contact than you needed.
“Oh yea?” He spat at you with crossed arms. “That’s a nice excuse for why you can’t move this coffin. You’re all powerful but ALMOST all powerful or something. Right?”
“My powers don’t extend to physical strength. I was more so sent to you guys to help with… mental strength.” You continued to argue with the dog as the blue light started to slow its pulsation, the room was growing dimmer as the light slowly started dying out.
It was clear that something needed to be done soon, you were on a time limit.
“That just sounds like another excuse. I’ve been suspecting you’re some kinda… I don’t know. I can just tell that you’re not who you say you are, and if you’re not going to be truthful then hell, you don’t!”
“We’re so close to our goal… Don’t let this get in the way of things right now.” You tried to calm the older dog, but by this time he could also sense that something was awry. It was obvious to Duke that the clock was ticking. Before you could stop him, he was opening the coffin to see what was inside and soon he revealed the glowing fabrics of another transformative outfit buried deep within the sarcophagus.
“Hey wait!” You called out just before hearing the rumbling underneath your feet. Before long, the light started filtering in through the door as it slightly came open, just enough for someone to slip through.
“There we go!” Duke barked happily. “This is it!” You saw him scooping it up and putting it in his bag.
“Duke!” You called out to him.
“Ya know, this was gonna be my last chance to try to trust you, but now I can tell you’re just some dumb liar. I don’t know what your intent was- whether you’re with the National Government trying to take this for themselves, but our people need this generator even more.” He continued. To your surprise, you actually were working with the National Government to do the exact same thing he was doing. You had no idea how he could have suspected that, but you knew that the details of your mission was far more urgent than whatever their platoon could have needed it for. Still, the two of you clearly were butting heads.
Before long, you and Duke ended up in a bit of a tussle for the clothes he had stuffed in his bag. Soon, the scuffle had devolved into a tug of war between the two of you.
“Duke! Wait” You called out as you heard the cloth beginning to tear. Before you knew it, the force of you two, pulling away from each other. To your dread, you started feeling the mystical fabrics separating from each other. Despite the strong durable magic ingrained throughout the outfit, it had ripped clean apart.
Suddenly, all the lights had turned off, all of the powerful energy coursing throughout the tomb had instantly shut off. Duke was closer to the door, so he was the first to notice the heavy rock slab beginning to close. In one swift motion, he kicked you back and started sliding through the closing gap before wiggling his way completely out. You were dazed, knocked off your balance and before you knew it, he had slid gracefully through the gap and left you behind.
Even your powerful night vision couldn’t help you in the deep darkness of the entombment. You could hear their banter across the door and before long it all faded away. You looked up at a skylight sealing shut up above and when you tried stretching your wings to launch yourself through the closing gap, you realized it was far too late. By the time you had reached the tiny dot of light up ahead of you, it was already snuffed out by more rocks and refuse blocking your way.
You realized, this was it for you. You were completely trapped within the final tomb with no way out, no way to escape. You knew in your heart of hearts that this was it for your game. There was nothing else you could think about doing other than just withering away into the darkness as the time slowly passed you by.
Written by Drifting Dragon on 15 February 2022