The echoes of the door's closing reverberate around you, and you shiver in apprehension as you realize this is for real. Which, you suppose, means that there's only one way out of this: going with the flow.
The room you're in is a stone one, with a door out that faintly glows as though it's been magically enchanted to remain shut. The only part of the room that looks like it would be out of place in an Indiana Jones movie is a set of full-body mirrors that rests by the door, as though it's giving you a chance to look at what you've become before leaving.
You'd been told that putting on a costume was the way out of this, so you look around the room and
quickly scrounge up a set of costumes, from animal outfits to mythological creatures to... A Pokemon. It's a Fennekin suit, and though it was one clearly designed for a female, you can't help but feel a little intrigued by it.
You pull it out away from the other costumes, finding that it's a full outfit, complete with a slip-on mask. This in particular catches your interest, as it's just a face mask devoid of ears. You look around and find them separate, a pair of big and fluffy prosthetics that look like they clip onto each one of your ears.
Determined not to get the parts of this outfit mixed up with any other costume, you pull the components aside, stowing away everything that looks like it doesn't belong on a Fennekin. By the end of it all, you're left with shoes, gloves, leggings, a shirt, a tail, a mask, those ears... And even panties and a bra.
You see no way out of this but to start putting on the costume, so you decide to suck it up and strip
naked. In just a few minute's time, you're ready to start getting dressed. But what to put on first?
Of all of the clothes in this pile, you can't help but be intrigued by the ears the most. They look like the highest quality, like something fit for a feature film! A smile spreads its way across your face as you grab each of the fluffy ears in your hands, moving to slip on your right ear first.
It's actually comfy, just like an earmuff! The soft fur around your ear feels perfect, and you can't help but move as quickly as you can to slip the other costume bit over your left ear. Your heart picks up a little as you do this, and you smile at how it seems to fit you perfectly, just like the other one did.
Then the ears begin to move, and with a yelp of surprise, you realize that you can actually feel them moving, just like they were a part of you. Your ears tingle as they fuse with the costume ears, and a shiver trails down your spine as you feel them move up your head.
Your hands fly to the costumed pieces, and you run to the mirror to find that sure enough, your ears lie high atop your head. They're covered in a soft and lush set of hairs, and you're filled with the impulse to pet them and comb your fingers through them... Especially the long and bushy orange hairs that extend out through your ears, making you feel like they're constantly full of cotton.
You pet them in disbelief, feeling the inside of your ears tingle as you tug at the hairs gently. A quiet gasp escapes your lips, yet despite its faintness you hear it perfectly. You realize that your vision has changed, and you can't help but feel a little impressed by how effective the costume is.
Your ears twitching, you look back to the rest of the costume pieces, wondering what next to put on...
Putting on a pair of costumed ears made your ears change into a Pokemon's, so logically the bra should give you breasts, right? You pick up the cotton bra, anxiously checking around yourself to make sure that nobody's in the room.
It seems a little silly to be worried about such things given the circumstances, but you can't help but worry that someone will judge you as a deviant for putting this on, even though it's just a part of the costume.
You gulp to yourself and steel your resolve, tugging the straps over your arms and holding onto the bra's cups with each hand. Whoever designed this must have had men in mind, for the clasp is on the front of your bra, making it easy for you to put it on.
After a moment's hesitation, you gulp and fasten the clasp. You've already put it on this much, so you might as well go all the way... Your heart begins to race in your chest in anticipation of the change, and you're not left waiting for long.
Your chest begins to tingle as a pair of soft mounds begin to swell up from beneath your skin, stretching out into what could only be breasts. You gasp once, only to gasp again as you notice that your voice sounds oddly... Different.
A look back to the mirror tells you why. Not only does your reflection tell you that you're growing a set of large breasts, but your cheeks are slimming; your sides pulling in to give you almost an hourglass figure. It's like the bra is changing all of your upper body, and even your hair is subject to this latest change.
You feel your hair begin to lengthen on your head, as though ever individual strand of hair is lengthening past your pores, and you can feel them brushing against your transformed ears. Then the hairs even begin to change in color, becoming a vibrant red-orange, one that matches the long and tufted strands of fur that have poofed their way out from your ears.
Before you can so much as process this, you feel the cool air of the room around your breasts, and you look down in surprise to see that the bra is fading away, vanishing like a special effect from an old movie.
Unbelievable as it seems, you now have the upper body of a woman, though everything below your waist is still undeniable male. You gulp and look back to the pile, wondering if any of the other costume pieces will result in such a drastic change.
There's no time like the present to find out, and so you reach for...
The underwear, of course. As embarrassing as it is to wear feminine underwear, it's somehow a natural choice to put these on. It feels incredibly awkward to have a feminine upper body with the lower body of a man, so you gulp anxiously and pick up the cotton garb, slipping it slowly up your hips anxiously.
Once again the clothing feels like it's been perfectly tailored to fit you, and a squeak passes your plush lips as you look down, feeling the fabric press against your groin. Your heart pounds as you look to the mirror, seeing the panties hold that unmistakable bulge of your crotch.
Then the bulge begins to deflate before your very eyes, your penis tingling as it begins to draw back
inside of you, making you moan with sensation. You try and pull the panties out to look at what's happening, but it's like they're a part of you, fusing with your skin.
Just like with the bra, the panties begin to fade away, and as they do your hips flare out, your legs slimming. You look to the mirror and to yourself in mute shock as your new groin comes fully into view, complete with a vagina nestled between your legs. Soft scarlet strands of hair curl around it, matching the new hair atop your head, and you breathe out a slow sigh as you watch the last of the changes make their way across your lower body, leaving you as an attractive woman with the ears of a Fennekin.
What you put on next is a logical choice from here...
You figure that since you're changing into an anthropomorphic Pokemon, you might as well try out being a Poke-girl while you're on the way. You've already got the ears, so you might as well try out the tail while you're at it.
Despite your confidence, your hands shake a little as you grab the appendage, trembling at the thought of it becoming a part of your body. It's long, furry, and has no sign of a means to fasten it to your body. There's no plug, no belt, nothing... But you get the impression that if you put it against your tailbone, then change will find a way.
Sure enough, as you place the furry object against your backside, you feel a sharp tingling; then you
realize that you can feel the tail in your hands. It's just like the costumed ears; this tail is now a part of your body!
Unlike the ears, however, you retain a good deal of control over the long and bushy limb, and you twitch it appreciatively, a smile slowly forming across your face at how nice it feels. You hadn't expected that simply having a tail could be pleasurable, but now that it's attached to you, you feel oddly warm and playful.
And with good reason, too! The tail is so big and bushy; it's practically the size of your own body! You smile and stroke it gently, playing with it for a few moments until you remember where you're at, and what you have yet to do.
The pile of clothes still rests where you left it, even if it is noticeably diminished. You look at them with a
furrowed brow, then you nod as you decide what to put on next.
You decide to get all of the fur done in one go, stuffing your feet into the bottoms of the leggings as you slip the bottom hem of the shirt over your head. After a moment of fidgeting to get your legs half through the tights and your oversized ears through the shirt's collar, you yank the shirt down past your breasts and tug the pants up past your hips, making them meet a little under your navel.
As soon as the fabric touches, it fuses with itself. It's like the shirt and pants have become one, and you let out a small gasp in surprise as you realize that you're now wearing a one piece. Then, an instant later, you find that one piece is now as much a part of you as the rest of the costume, your skin having become a Pokemon's hide, covered in lush golden fur.
It actually looks really sexy on you, and you find yourself blushing under your fur as you run your fingers through it. It's just the perfect length to be pet, not long enough to get tangled, and yet not short enough to keep yourself from running your fingers through it.
It was a quick change, but one that looks really good on you, and you smile as you look to the pile of costume pieces, deciding on what to put on next...
This time you don't want to move so quickly in your changes. After all, how often do you get the chance to see human feet become a good deal more animalistic?
You look down to your feet as you slip on each of the slippers, then shudder as a strange feeling courses through your body, emanating from your feet. A quick glance tells you all you need to know: your feet are now a cross between human feet and Fennekin paws.
While the Pokemon's feet lack any toes, you've retained three of yours, though they're swollen just like a fox's feet. You wiggle them apprehensively, shivering at the strange absence of your big toe and pinky toe. Your feet don't feel any different, and yet that's perhaps the most unsettling part of this change: unless you think about it, it's like you've always been this way.
To get your mind focused on something a little less off-putting, you look to the bottom of your feet, finding that you have golden paw pads beneath the fur on your feet. They cover your soles just like slippers, letting you walk barefoot without so much as an inkling of discomfort.
You swallow anxiously, then look back to the last two pieces of the costume, wondering what to put on next, but only for a moment...
After the changes to your feet, you're a little unsure of what will happen if you put on the gloves or the mask. But it wouldn't make any sense if the costume's gloves would prevent you from putting on more of the costume and completing your change, right? That would make the mask the most drastic change of all, and you'd rather hold off on that for as long as possible.
You nod to yourself with a faint chuckle, resolving your mind. Before you can rethink your decision, you've tugged both of the gloves over your hands, marveling at how light they feel against your skin. It's like there's nothing on your hands at all, and that you're really this furry!
The light material of the gloves makes you start to wonder if your hands really have changed, and you experimentally tug on some of the fur to find that the action hurts, like someone was tugging on your hair!
You yelp in surprise, but smile with relief. It looks like though the costume has left you with three toes, whoever designed it had a five-fingered form in mind. This makes it much easier for you to put on the mask, and you let out a faint sigh of relief, looking to the last aspect of the costume for you to wear.
You swallow anxiously, then...
There's only one thing left for you to do, and you might as well get it over with now. You grip the mask tightly in your hands, heading to the mirror to get a good look at what's going to happen to you. This mask looks like the cheapest part of the costume by far, without any depth to the muzzle that's simply painted on.
But if there's one thing that today has taught you, it's that looks can be deceiving. You gulp as you look into the mirror, then press the mask against your face, gasping in surprise as it seems to mold itself to your features, flowing across your skin as though it's now liquid.
A look to the mirror only reinforces this perception of yours, and you let a faint mewl of surprise escape your lips as they begin to darken to the rubbery lips of a canine. They're not the only thing to darken on your face, and your hands fly to your nose as it becomes black and spongy, flattening out on your face to become a cute button that's fit for a snout.
As though the transformation is hearing your thoughts, your jaw begins to ache dully, like someone's gently tugging on it. You can see why as you turn your head, watching in shock as your face begins to stretch out into a muzzle. Your heart begins to race as your fingers press against your white-furred cheeks, and you work your new mouth gently, wondering if you'll still be able to speak as normal.
Before you can so much as try, your tongue flattens out in your muzzle, and your hand is pushed slightly away from your face as long and white whiskers shoot out from your cheeks, growing longer and longer. In just seconds it's like you're wearing two piles of fluff on your cheeks, and you pat at the bushy hairs in wonder, amazed that the change has affected even this.
After a few more pets than you'd like to admit, you return your gaze to the mirror, finding a golden-eyed furry Fennekin looking back at you. Your hand flutters over your ample bosom, feeling the soft and lush fur of your chest, and you gasp. "Is this me?"
A delicate feminine voice escapes your dark canine lips, and you squeak faintly, blushing beneath your thick white fur. You hadn't expected to sound so... feminine! "Wow... This is really real, huh?" You say, simply for the sake of hearing more of your own voice.
There's a strange lilt to your words, as though you're speaking with an accent that you can't quite place. It's either from your muzzle or from a subtle change to your mind, and you shudder at the thought of the latter. Just how much power do these costumes hold? And what on earth will you become after this?
Your ears twitch for a moment, then you purse your lips, looking at the gorgeous girl in the mirror. Never mind that. That's for the future. For now, you're a Fennekin-girl, and you should spend some time in this body to get to know it.
Mind made up, you look to the door beside the mirror, just in time to see it unlock itself. A few minutes ago you'd have been shocked at the casual display of magic, but now? Now this is just a common event in your life.
Unsure of what you'll find, you walk through the door, leaving the other costumes and your old clothing behind.
Written by SketchySeraph on 31 December 2015