cute little kitty
You face starts to feel a little odd. You ignore it and keep watching the show.
Soon, however you cannot ignore the feeling of your face. You lift your hand up to touch it, and are shocked to feel a little kitty nose where your human nose once was. As if on cue, your hand starts changing into a paw, and white fur starts flowing down your entire body.
You feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine. You rip off your clothes right as a tail starts sprouting out. You identify the tail as gatomon's...You panic. "Wait" you think "gatomon is female which means"... You look down in horror to see your manhood suck into your body leaving female genitalia in its place.
You feel 2 rows of nipples form on your chest, and you begin to shrink.
Your breasts shrink
By now your ears have repositioned themselves to the top of your head, and your feet have become full paws.Soon you are a full gatomon.
Written by phjett on 04 March 2005
The end (for now)