“The kids will be safe in there! I can’t beat all of them anyways!” You jump forward towards the window. You leap towards it, feeling a sudden strange surge of power in your legs, the power of the tigress you’re inhabiting suddenly powering you up into a jump.
Your arms extend out, aiming through the open portal; but just as you start to tumble out of the window you see a mass of the invading force parked beneath the window.
“You were right!” One hollered. “There was more hiding inside!”
Your body was still moving from your jump. You thrashed, trying to grab onto the window and not fall down into the arms and waving weapons of the enemies below. At the same time, another voice hollered. “They are hiding inside! Search all the chambers!”
“They are retina scanners!”
The speaking enemy, the captain fixed his eyes on your descending body. “I will get you an eye ball then-”
Written by Picklessauce69 on 16 May 2016
The end (for now)