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Eat him emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

With a tight jaw, you finally give a short nod. You plod closer, nuzzling the little flank once more before your jaws part and sharp teeth glint in the pale, fading moonlight before blood spurts out against the backdrop of light.


Shamefully, feeling remorse panging through your body, you eat.


The small body of the cub provides fuel for days of running, searching. You stumble onto a watering hole, drink eagerly and splash clumsily after a single fish surviving in the mere pond, but it continuously evades until a massive bird, talons glinting, swipes through the air and snatches away your single hope.


You stay at the water, waiting for another desperate creature to spring upon, however, as days pass and your energy fades, you realize you are the desperate creature.

Written by Picklessauce69 on 29 February 2016

The end (for now)

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