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Settle In emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"No, why would I leave? This is perfect! I have power! I have a family." You scoff at the idea of it, falling back into the daily habit. The sun is warm during naps, blood spurts over your coat during hunts, cubs sleep against your side at night. All is well, until, one day you return from a brief walk to find one of the males pressing the single male cub down into the earth.


His teeth are barred, hovering over the cub's throat. You can see the small cub, the size of a puppy, trembling beneath its father's tight grip. You can see it thrash, throwing dust up into the air. The rest of the pride though doesn't respond at all, they merely continue with their activities, napping or wandering down to the nearby water hole. They show no sign of shock towards the father hunched with his weapon barred at the small cub.


"He means to kill it!" you cry out to yourself only. Your mind spins. The two conflicting parts of you cannot decide where you stand on this sudden issue! You know, looking around, this isn't abnormal. This is the protector of the pride, protecting his reign. There's nothing to question.


Yet your human instincts rail against this death even if you know it's normal. Within a moment, as this second hovers in question, do you let him kill the cub or fight back at who knows what cost?

Written by Picklessauce69 on 23 February 2016

Both Let Him
Both Fight

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