Keep Running
"No way am letting that happen to me!" You thrust yourself faster into the run, but your feet are skipping and tripping beneath you. You can't seem to control all four legs, you've never had to coordinate so many limbs to move together as one unit.
"Unf... Unf...." you pant, peeking back over to see that the male seems confused by your darting and turns, plodding back towards something in the distance.
You squint, making out the shape of bodies in the distance. "Ah, he went back to the pack..."
"Meaning... I left the pride..."
You continue to wander through the broad expanse of the plains, darting from pond to pond and sleeping beneath shady trees when night falls. With each passing day, your body seems thinner and thinner, tireder and tireder...
Suddenly, after two full days, just as the sun begins to dip into the edges of the sky you notice movement in the distance, the shuffling motion of a herd of gazelles!
You creep closer to the herd, watching them graze over the surface of the plain, all staying in a tight clump. "Now, usually, lions hunt in packs..." You crouch into the grass, theorizing about how to do this.
Written by Picklessauce69 on 21 February 2016