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You refuse to get to your hands. There may be some comfort in it, you can feel it as you run. Your back is hunching you over, begging you to run on all fours, but you are still a human and you still run as though you never changed.


This speed is not something to be dismissed, however, it is quick and you have become agile past your wildest imagination. The air against your face and the relative ease with which you bound across the landscapes is impressive. You can't get this physical need to hunch your back over and run like an animal, but you never allow yourself to do it.


You continue to run for what feels like hours. A flickering thought of the exit portal enters your mind and your senses come back to you. You're looking for Yhnhn and you're looking for answers. You run just slightly slower so that you can observe the environment around you. You come a forest of trees with bright, baby blue trunks and leaves of a bright, catching, deep maroon. Manipulating your way through these woods is a simple task and you can hear a noise in the distance...

Written by Martin Prance on 16 February 2016

You see her

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