Attack the lot
“They came here! They challenged ME! I did NOTHING! I’m just trying to find help!” You bellowed out, hearing your voice escape like a groan before something sparked at the back of your throat. A sudden, explosive sensation burst from your mouth as flames poured out from between your teeth. The fire sent a cry through the group, sending several leaping off from the edge of the mountain while others merely flinched in fright- including the wizards. Then, your tail swept out and sent them tumbling down from your cave. In a package, the men tripped down from the edge, landing one by one with hard, dull splats at the base where their entire town waited, women and children witnessing as the husbands each landed broken and splattered in front of them.
The news of the gruesome scene seemed to ripple through the land. Finally, for the first time, the instant fear of a dragon entering someone’s town turned to true terror. Fear led men to gather in packs and attack, but terror? Terror meant towns boarded their windows or fled at the sight of a dragon miles away. No longer were attacks around every corner, but dead, empty towns instead.
Without the constant threat, a massive and suitable cave was finally located in the far corner where the snow fell the heaviest and the fewest people where there though, conveniently, wizards also frequented the dead land to practice their most explosive and dangerous spells, meaning that one by one, you began to search for one who didn’t flee at the sight of a dragon.
Finally, you heard word through the whispers grapevine of the country that a powerful wizard has emerged, claiming he can ‘understand’ dragons. You summon for him, etching out a scroll with a claw dipped in ash, but within the moon he’s set to arrive, the egg suddenly crackled. A massive gash jolted down its center as the tiny sight of a claw jutted out from inside.
Slowly, the egg’s wall- the so familiar creamy shade of blue and green speckles that you’ve carried through so many battles, that you’ve heaved up into your talons, that you’ve slept nestled around each night in cave after cave- those walls crumbled away into a puddle of shards on the floor before the tiny being inside began to claw its way out.
“What will happen to it if I’m a human?” you realize, sighting the wizard’s telltale twinkle in the air as teleportation begins to materialize. “Should I stay like this? To care for it? Or can it survive on its own?”
Written by Picklesauce69 on 21 December 2015