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"What advice do you have for people who go through this?" Vivi asked.


"None. What I have is advice for their friends and family: they are still the person you knew before. No real change in instincts, so the tiger­man won't start hunting people. No real changes to intelligence, but some have reported a boost in physical ability. The only thing that has changed is their body. I am, on the record, personally and formally urging the UN to give these people the same rights they would anyone else. They've been through enough as it is."


Vivianna stood outside that university as she finished in view of the camera. "And though it's been a terrifying two weeks," Vivi said, "including for yours truly, scientists say there are two things: One, we've been through the worst of it – the shock that it even happened – and two, that there is likely more to come in terms of changes such as these."


"Thank you, Vivi," the newsman said. "Coming up, public reactions to zooanthropy. The Pope speaks to the world, and tells his congregation to pray for those who would be victimized, saying that the affliction is bodily, not spiritual.


"ISIS members have been seen transformed as well, into caracal­men, also known as the Persian Lynx, and many of them have been killed by their own comrades. A small group of survivors beg for amnesty from the UN.


"And the LGBT community begins to try and claim these folk as their own, which, by and large, is something that is desired by zooanthros. All this and more, when we return."

Written by Machaeus on 16 November 2015

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