"Scientists are baffled," Vivianna continued, now in a lab in Sweden judging by the snow out the window. "Doctor Kellenson has a rather controversial opinion on the subject."
"We've looked over everything," the doctor said. "Blood, tissue, stool, urine, even xrays and ultrasounds. Nothing. No sign of what's caused it. Either we have no idea what to look for, or we're going fullon Shadowrun."
"What's 'Shadowrun'?" Vivi asked.
"It's, ah, it's a roleplaying game, set in the near future, where magic returns to the world and enacts these kinds of insane changes on humanity," he replied, looking almost embarrassed.
"So for all you know it's magic," Vivi confirmed.
"Yes, that's as much as we know," the man said with a shrug.
"Others," Vivianna's voice continued, walking the halls of a Chinese college, "think we simply haven't been looking for the right thing."
"Perhaps there's a genetic mutation that allows this to happen," a scientist, one Professor Xianyoung, said. "If so, it doesn't rule out the 'magic' possibility, but it also could be explained by
almost anything we do not understand. I believe we are not looking where we should be – we've looked for viruses, but we haven't looked for genetic structure. Though Kellenson is right: we have no idea at this point, and it is frightening."
Written by Machaeus on 20 November 2015