Touching your face, you wondered if this was an unaffected zone, only to feel a beak; it seemed like there was no spared zone. However, as you passed your hands on the rest of your face, you could feel that some of your facial features were still present, making you wonder if you were not some sort of bird man, half-man, half-mystery avian. What was the point of creating you? What could you accomplish in this form, which nobody else could in their lifetime with the help of technology and science? Where were the answers you desired, so the questions would end?
``Hello subject; you might wonder why you are here, in this room. Everything will be explained to you in a moment, but for now, it would be wiser to tell you what happened to you, so it can put your mind at ease and thus let you absorb the new information with greater ease'' said a cold, artificial voice coming from the ceiling. Where you being monitored by an artificial intelligence all that time, or was this a method for the people behind your kidnapping to hide their identity? Only time would tell, but for the moment, the only thing you could do was to listen...
``You see, you could believe you are simple bird; one that is brightly colored for sure, but still a simple bird. However, it is not the case; you are a phoenix, an animal that some people believe not to exist at all, but here you are, breathing and surviving quite well. It was necessary for us to perform the operation you went through, even if it meant that you had to suffer; this pain was little compared to the great path that is now opened to you, to the bright future that you will permit to exist'' said the voice, as it seemed filled with emotion for a moment, before returning to a cold, mechanical tone.
You wanted to yell, to insult that uncaring device, but you knew that it would serve no purpose, for it was only there to deliver a message; once it would be done, the rest would unfold it front of you, leaving you defenseless to whatever would happen next, although they seemed quite content of the results they achieved. Perhaps it was time to capitalize on that and try to escape this place by playing on these feelings.
``Although we understand it can be quite confusing for you right now, do not fret; everything will be explained to you, in time. But for the moment, you will have to stay in here, to make sure that you will get used to your new body. Do not take this temporary assignment as a punishment, but rather as an opportunity for you to discover the new abilities that are now in your repertoire, so you will be able to use them when the time will come. When you will be ready, we will call for you, so relax and enjoy your stay in your new home'' said the voice, as it stopped talking, leaving you speechless.
There was little you could do now; your plan for escape was now crushed and you knew that trying to bash the door had no strength behind it. All you could do was to follow the simple order that was issued to you, for the time being.
It wasn't that bad, was it? You were not dead and there was a chance to a bright new adventure; although you failed the original quest, perhaps you could succeed in the one that would be presented to you...
Written by zanian on 29 December 2015
The end (for now)