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hearing about his charity plans. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Aren seems happy that you're curious. "Well, from what I've heard the education system in Zarhrah is very poor. So I'm hoping to set up a school."
You're impressed. "That's very generous of you."
Aren blushes and smiles. "Well, a good education is the foundation of getting a good job. And a good job can turn around your whole future. My dad used to tell me that all the time."
"Oh, so your father supports what you're doing?"
He hedges. "Not . . . . as such. But I'm sure he'll come around. Anyway, I'm thinking about the course curriculum. Of course I'll make sure that reading, writing, and math are a part of it, but I can't help feeling like there should be one more option available. I'm trying to decide between music, art, and agriculture. What do you think?"
You think for a moment, and then say . . . . .

Written by Ophelianime on 22 April 2015

The end (for now)

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