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Komodo dragon emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You pick the Komodo Dragon one before paying and injecting it into yourself in the shoulder.


From the injection site the scales spreads as the potion travels through your bloodstream. The scales reach your hands and start to change the fingernails into claws.


Your chest does not change much , the scales the only change. The other arm changing to match the first arm.


The head is the next to change. The mouth and nose stretching out into a scaled muzzle. Each new scale pushing the tip of the muzzle out. The ears shrinking , the eyes changing.


The tail grows out, snaking out from beneath your clothes. The scales spread down the legs reaching the feet and the toenails also growing out into claws as well.


You flick your tongue out and push it against the roof of your mouth tasting the air.

Written by catprog on 15 March 2015

The end (for now)

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