You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You sit under the tree
You sit under the tree.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
A Blue Light
A blue light blocks everything else.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
The blue light fades leaving you staring at a large pair of gates. "Where am I?" you hear.
"We are sorry to inform you but your island exploded killing you all!” A loud voice booms, but you can’t tell from where exactly the voice was coming from nor could you spot any speakers.
"Unfortunately due to the number of souls we have lost track of who was what and have had to assign the bodies randomly”
Written by on 14 December 2014
Skunk girl
You’re not sure you understand. "What do you mean assign the bodies rand…." It was at this moment you realize your voice is much higher pitched than usual. In the shock of suddenly changing locations you failed to notice that your whole body seems to feel rather off compared to how you’ve known it for years.
For starters there is a large weight hanging from your butt. Looking back you see a large black and white striped tail. Skunk you think , but why are you still upright? Is that all that has changed?, you think looking over the rest of the body.
A mirror you think and the air in front of you turns into a reflective sheen. Hm. Definitely an anthropomorphic skunk. "Wait" you think looking closer, your chest is quite a bit bigger than you would like, along with your hips. "I’m a chick!?!"
Further investigation of your body reveals yes, you are a female, a rather attractive one at that. This was part of your idea of heaven, but in that daydream the sexy skunkette was someone you were with, not you yourself.
"Unfortunately with the sheer loss of lives of both humans and animals we are swamped, It will take us a few decades to even create the list of people who we need to search for. First we asks that the people who ended up in insects bodies come forward and register. Unless of course you ended up in your own body" The bugs move forward as they hear this, you wait patiently to see if there are any further announcements as to what you are meant to do. "Everyone else, the normal process for the newly dead should set you up until we can sort this out. Listen to your instincts for where to go."
Over the next day or so, (it is hard to tell with the sun high in the sky never changing) the people around you thin out to mammals and then closer and closer ending up surrounded by skunks. Not just anthropomorphic, some only just the tail , others quadruped skunks from human sized to normal skunk size.
After conversations with everyone of them , it seems like you're the only former human , a few mammals also , most of them however were insects. The most surprisingly thing a bee hive soul not a single bee.
Before you know it , you have arrived at a patch of area where there are burrows. Some appear quite nice while others are little more than holes in the ground. There is also a large table full of food. Unfortunately the food seems to be mostly insects and other stuff a skunk would eat rather than the human food you are used to.
Written by on 15 December 2014
Claim a home
You look around, the nicer homes already being claimed by the more human-like skunks. Quite a few people are trying to compete ranging from physical to mental challenges. You ponder what kind of competition could be had by someone who is already dead, as surely no one can feel pain or get tired anymore so you walk closer to investigate this.
The arm wrestling you can see an obvious way for the winner to be determined, the boxing not so much. In fact it was quite amusing to see skunk people taking blows that would have put Mike Tyson in the ER for a few days and getting right back up as if nothing happened, like they were cartoon characters or something.
Of course you still need to find a home before the good ones are claimed. You turn and look at the open doors hoping to find one that meets your standards. Luckily you didn’t need anything too fancy. A bed, a basic bathroom, possibly a kitchen (although you don’t know where you will get the food for it) maybe a TV to watch some of your favorite show Hell’s Kitchen, you realized the irony seconds after thinking this.
Finally after searching you eventually find a burrow partially dug into a hill. Each room still has a window to the outside despite the room being buried. The bed is a simple hammock and folds away giving you a living room during the day and a bedroom at night. The door responses to your touch locking and unlocking itself.
So now, time to meet your neighbours. Hopefully they are not annoying enough to force you to find another place. The real estate market in the hereafter is tougher than one would expect even without money ever coming into the equation.
Now that you’re settled in and waiting on body correction you are left with getting it out in the open. Yes, the one thought you’ve had since you realized you passed on, but weren’t willing to think about it. The people you have left behind, of course if it was large enough they are here somewhere too. Perhaps there was a list somewhere of everyone caught in the Island Explosion, you made a mental note to check.
Of course with how big this area of the afterlife is and with you being the only human in skunk land, it may be quite hard to even find another human at all. And when the skunk in your body comes to here and does not find you, who knows what would happen.
So for now , would it best to stay in the general area and hope that they can sort this mess out quickly.
Written by on 29 December 2014
The end (for now)