Let's get the lay of the land, er, sea!
You decide to look over the reef. After all, you're a shark now. You might as well make use of it!
As you swim through, you realize that you haven't eaten in a while. You're a carnivore. You need some meat. Trouble is, most of the nearby fish are way too small to fill you. Besides, they're too difficult to catch.
You keep looking for a quick meal, until you find a succulent-looking grouper. It hasn't noticed you. The chance is too perfect!
You're just about to lunge for it when all of a sudden, a grey flash passes in front of you, and the next thing you see is another shark-girl holding the grouper in her arms and taking bites out of it.
This new shark-girl has her blonde hair stuck back in a ponytail, and unlike you, is wearing some sort of makeshift bikini, and in spite of your original gender, you can't help but feel envious of her large breasts.
She looks at you and grins.
"You snooze, you lose!" she chuckles, before retracting her legs and zooming off.
What do you do now?
Written by on 14 September 2014
The end (for now)