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A new Name emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“Oh! Oh, dear. It’s Launia! Do you wish to have a unicorn name or keep your old name?“


“Um,” you think. “Well what would you suggest for one if I did change it?”


“Nokomi, I think. It loosely means daughter of the moon,” she responds. “Our line was once responsible for it, and I think it fits you well.”


“Nokomi, “ you say, trying out the name. It sounds… nice. “I think it does, at that. Thank you.” You feel an odd tingle run across your body as you accept it, and know that name is yours now, well and truly yours in a way that your original name never had been.


She smiles. “I shall see you tomorrow morning, Nokomi. Feel free to sleep in the loft or a stall of your choice. You may want to magic up a hammock to sleep on. You should be able to do that without me watching,” she walks into a stall and closes the door behind her.


Now that you’re alone, you consider the possibilities. You might take her suggestion and sleep, to begin anew tomorrow, or you might check out the city to try and figure out where exactly you are.


Written by Catprog and Xodiac on 16 March 2014

Both Play it safe and sleep the first night

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