You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You sit under the tree
You sit under the tree.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
A Blue Light
A blue light blocks everything else.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
You start to grow feathers
You start to grow feathers.
Although you can't tell what colour they are yet, they are spreading fast.
Written by catprog on 04 June 2003
Time to get prehistoric!
You first notice the feathers on your forearms. At first, you think they are developing into wings, but they stop after only extending about nine inches.
You only feel a tingling sensation as your pinkies and ring fingers shrink into your hands and your other fingers move over and enlarge to compensate. On your remaining fingers, your nails extend and enlarge into claws.
More feathers develop all over your body. Your chest barrels out and your breasts shrink into your torso. You feel your skin itching as it turns into scales.
You are glad that you are sitting down, because your legs are next to change. Like your fingernails, your toenails grow into claws, most notably a large sickle-shaped claw on your second toe, which rips apart your shoes. Your pinky toes shrink away, and your big toes move up your feet, shrinking into dewclaws. As this is happening, your legs and feet shift into a digitigrade form.
You feel that your shirt is becoming a problem, so you quickly rip it off with your claws. You are about to kick your pants off too, but they are ripped to pieces by your spine extending into a stiff tail, which soon blossoms with feathers, especially on the end.
You try and stand up. The new appendage means you have to bend over to balance it out. It feels strangely natural to stand like this.
The changes work your way to your neck as it extends and takes on the shape of an S. Your head is the last to change as your nose and mouth merge into a muzzle. Your ears shrink until they become simple holes in your head. Your teeth fall out, steadily being replaced by a maw full of razor-sharp, backwards-pointing teeth. You blink, unaware that when you open your eyes, your pupils have narrowed into slits and each eye now has a third, diagonal eyelid (like modern-day birds of prey). The changes to your head are completed when your hair is replaced with an impressive crest of feathers.
As you look over your new body, you realize that you have grown. You are now as tall as a full-grown man and as long as a hatchback from snout-to-tail. You wonder what you are now. The name Utahraptor pops into your head.
You realize that you were so occupied with your transformation that you didn't realize your surroundings have changed. The tree you sat under is still there, but everything else is gone, replaced with a wooded valley with no signs of civilization in sight. You can hear a river running in the distance in one direction and you see that the ground slopes into a hill in the other.
Where do you go now?
Written by Plx on 22 February 2014
Might as well have a drink!
You walk over to the river. It feels surprisingly natural to walk like this. You feel like a cross between a bird and a wolf.
When you get to the river, you dip your mouth into the water and have a drink.
You're just finished drinking when you hear a cracking noise. You raise your head. The noise came from across the river. You see three small dinosaurs running out of the forest.
These dinosaurs look a great deal like you, but they are much smaller than you, only about half your size and more vividly coloured. You realize that these "mini-yous" are Deinonychus, another type of raptor.
Wait, how did you know that? For that matter, how did you know that you were a Utahraptor? Did the change somehow imbibe you with this knowledge?
One of the "mini-yous" is holding a bird of some sort in its mouth. It seems like the three of them are squabbling over how to divide it. Are they speaking in a human language or some raptor talk? You can't tell because they are too far away.
They suddenly look at you, and then to your left. There, upriver, on your side of the river, is a another Utahraptor. Unlike you, it doesn't have the large crest of feathers on its head. Your maybe-imbibed-maybe-not knowledge tells you that that means it is a female.<span class="female">Your maybe-imbibed-maybe-not knowledge tells you that it is a female.</span> It's upwind of you and the "mini-yous," and it doesn't seem to have noticed any of you.
Clearly the "mini-yous" are scared of the two larger predators in their midst, for they begin to move away, downriver. You feel a pang in your stomach. That bird they have might quench your hunger.
What do you do? Do you approach the female Utahraptor and see if you can get any information out of her? Do you try your luck with the "mini-yous" and see if you can get that bird? Do you do anything at all?
Written by on 23 February 2014