The Eye of the "Vixen!"
"Alright, I'll see what I can do." You agree. You turn to leave, but the wizard merchant stops you.
"Wait! My Shadow is quite powerful, and without the proper defenses, she'll wipe the floor with you!" He reaches behind the counter for something and pulls it out. It looks something like a glove. It's made of black leather and has cyan oval gems on the back of the hand, and five more where the fingers join the palm. He pushes it into your hands. "Put this on. It should coat you in a magic barrier despite whatever my Shadow has done to you. It will act as both defense and a weapon. If you focus, you should be able to cast basic elemental attack spells, such as fireballs, ice spikes, lightning, small quakes, and arc winds. I recommend experimenting with various attacks before confronting her." He says. You nod, putting on the glove and your necklace before going to leave again.
"Thank you, again. And good luck!" He calls to you as you leave. Another person walks by you, and as you pass by, almost brushing your shoulder on him, you see his appearance briefly shimmer, revealing a rather well endowed cat girl underneath. The illusion reforms, and you both stop to look at each other.
"You've been changed too?" 'he' asks with a smile. You don't smile, but you do nod.
"I've got a Mystic Shadow to hunt down. I've got the gear from the Wizard." You say, pulling the glove tighter on your hand, and focusing, showing a small display of fire. You would have made it into a phoenix but unfortunately you're not experienced enough. The disguised cat-girl grows wide eyed in awe. You close the fireworks off, and wave at him.
"I'm sorry, but I have to get going. That Shadow isn't going to kill itself!" You say, turning around to go now. Again, you're stopped.
"Wait! Is there any way I can help?" 'he' asks. You turn and give it some thought. How could this person help?
Written by GameHero on 09 February 2014
The end (for now)