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Justice Will Be Served! emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You contemplate what has happened to you and decide to make the best of a bad situation.
In a burst of sudden energy, you run off to find crime to fight, doing your best to not to trip over your own paws. Your tail continues to wag uncontrollably, but you ignore it and head for a city that is conveniently nearby.


As you pass into the city limits you hear a woman scream.
Far above you, a woman is being toted off by a man in a sharp-looking business suit.
How he manages to move so swiftly among the building tops while wearing such a spiffy suit eludes you, but in the end you figure it is unimportant and give chase.


You attempt to yell a warning to the man, but in your excitement, all you can manage is a frenzied bark. He either ignores you or didn't hear you, but it still makes you mad.
Soon you lose sight of them, but you figure your sharp, canine senses can help you relocate him.


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Written by KananOsmond on 02 February 2014

The end (for now)

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