At Home
Having nowhere else to go you head home. Luckily the shop is near your home and you don't need to drive. You're not even sure you could ride in a car now. You surely couldn't drive one.
Arriving home you are quite surprised to see the house. Where there was an apartment block there is now a single story home. Not only that, but several of the houses on one side have disappeared as well, replaced with a large field to run around in.
Now where would your key have ended up? You think for moment, but you actually have to resort to patting yourself down until you feel something on your chest. Pulling a cord from around your neck you find a keyring. On it you find the keys to your house and car, among a few others. They don't seem any different from the ones you had from before you became a centaur lady.
Inside the house, you find an large room, sparsely furnished. A few chairs and small tables are situated around the edge. The wide doors seem to lead into similarly open rooms. You have no trouble walking around as you explore your new home. It looks very nice, and you'd have no complaints if there wasn't a collection of rubber horseshoes in the bedroom in a variety of vaguely feminine styles for you to wear.
Still, there is probably nothing here to turn you back. Human OR male. You're not sure which is the more jarring change, but you're going to have to live with them both.
While you're looking over your new wardrobe (mostly tops, though there are some garments clearly made to cover your lower half as well), you hear a noise out front. A key in the lock? Then a voice calls out. "Hi, honey!"
Hubby's home! And he's a...
Written by Catprog and Xodiac on 27 November 2013