You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You sit under the tree
You sit under the tree.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
The ground collapses
All of a sudden the ground collapses and you fall.
You get knocked out. When you awake you find that you are in a land when there is every type of myth creature.
You then notice that you are transforming but to what?
Written by catprog on 30 July 2003
You realise you are becoming a myth creature of the air, but which one?
Written by catprog on 07 August 2003
The roaring winds rip through the air around you even as you plummet through the black tunnel, your mind trying to figure out what could have possibly happened for you to be falling like this. Everything is black; up, down, left or right, anywhere you look you can see nothing around you. Nothing but this infernal blackness as you continue to fall, a scream escaping your lips.
Suddenly it's all gone as you hit the ground, though little more than an 'Oof' escapes your lips as you hit the ground, as if you'd just tripped instead of falling for what seemed to be eternity. The grass underneath you isn't wet like it had been a couple minutes ago; it was dry and brittle, like it hadn't rained in days, which puzzled you, as there had been a ferocious storm just moments ago before you began you fall.
"What the...?" You mutter aloud as you look up, spotting the massive plain in front of you. Brobdingnagian mountains loomed in the distance, their purple outline a stark contrast to the yellow-orange sunset that should not have been happening.
A loud cry splits the air, and you cover your ears to try and block the pain as you look up to see the largest bird you had ever seen before in your life. It's wings were green and translucent, and you soon realize, much to your dismay and shock, that what you thought was a bird was really a massive dragon.
"That's not possible..." You mutter, staring at the monstrosity as it flew away from where you sat. "Dragons aren't real...they're just myth." You say, as if trying to reaffirm to yourself that what you're seeing cannot possibly be true even as you rub your slowly warming ribs.
You let out a groan as your ribs slowly start to burn, and you whine loudly and curl up as you rip off your shirt, spotting the fur sprouting from your skin even as your hands begin to morph into what looks to be paws.
"Gah!" You scream as your chest feels like its tightening itself up. You flinch at your voice, having turned in pitch from a man's voice, to a woman's.
A convulsion passes through your body as you feel like your spine just jutted itself from your body. Your curious head swings around to spot a tail flailing around behind you, and you yell as you try to get to your feet only to find it impossible to balance only on your two hind legs, which had morphed into a more animalistic structure that was meant for quadrupedal walking instead of the bipedal form of transportation you're used to.
"What the hell is going on?!" You squeak loudly as you look about, working all four feet underneath you, trying to figure out how to stand in this new body of yours, your wobbly legs supporting you only for a few seconds before giving way.
Here you lay, trapped in a new land and a new body, and you try to calm your mind as you attempt to think of what to do.
Written by Czar Lawrence III on 07 January 2013
Meeting Gerod
You smile happily as you work yourself to your feet, legs no longer trembling underneath you as your new paws stay firmly planted on the ground, feeling the crunch of the grass underneath you, your new claws stretching and gripping at the ground beneath you, trying to adjust to the feel of even having claws.
"Where am I?" You think aloud as you look about the land around you. Nothing else had come by since that dragon that had flown overheard. With a quick glance around, your mind is completely blown by the situation that you find yourself in. Nothing made sense to you, yet you found yourself walking aimlessly, looking around for anything that could help you.
Suddenly, your head perks up as the clopping of hooves makes your new, hyper-sensitive ears perk up. With a swift jerk of your familiar yet new neck muscles, you turn around to see a griffon galloping towards you, his beak glistening under the sunlight as well as his beautiful feathers.
"Hello?!" You squeak out, catching the attention of the griffon just before his wings began to beat, ruffling curiously as he turns to face you, eyes gazing over your face as you feel your mind begin to wonder if you can ever communicate with such a creature. "Umm...hello...uh...where am I?"
"Ha-ha!" The griffon laughs, tossing his head back as if what you said had been a joke. "Ah, a funny female, what a find." The griffon says to you, walking up with his chest proudly displaying muscles earned from a life of hard work.
"I'm...I'm not a female. I'm a man." You explain to the griffon, feeling a bit overwhelmed yet again.
"No, you're not." He responds. "You're a female, I can tell by your scent."
You pause for a second when you take a whiff of the air; you can smell his musky scent, and you can also smell your own, more delicate scent. You're clueless as to how to explain how you can distinguish the two, but all you know is that what this griffon says is true; you're a female.
"Please, I don't know what's going on...I'm not meant to be here!" You cry to the griffon, who's looking less bemused and more puzzled with each word that passes your lips. "I'm not meant to be a creature, I'm a human!"
"Calm yourself, good sphinx, you are delirious." The griffon says slowly, trying to approach you in a calm, dignified manner. "Pray tell me, what is your name?"
"Alex..." You tell him, trying to remember your surname. It feels as if a strange buzz is filling your head and you can't remember much more beyond your given name.
"Well Alex, my name is Gerod." The griffon introduces himself, dipping into a low bow. "I am happy to make your acquaintance. If you will follow me, I will try to help you however I can."
You stare at the griffon carefully, mulling the thought over in your head.
Written by Czar Lawrence III on 07 January 2013
"Where am I, Gerod?"
"Where am I, Gerod?" You ask the griffon finally after a moment of silence. "I know you do not believe me, but I do not know where I am."
"Did you hit your head?" The griffon questions, giving you a once-over once again as he tries to figure out why someone would not know where they were. "Are you experiencing amnesia?"
"No! No, I know who I am, my name is Alex and..." You say aloud, though you can feel the buzz return to your brain when you try to dredge up any information about yourself. "I do not belong here." You state loudly, as if trying to convince yourself as much as Gerod. "Please Gerod, tell me where I am so that I may find my way home."
The griffon sighed wearily. "You are in Fabulvania." He tells you with a hint of pride in his voice. "Every creature here is a child of the wind."
You flap your wings nonchalantly as you take in the griffon's words, as if the flapping of the wings was an unspoken agreement between the two of you.
"Fabulvania...I've never heard of it." You admit to Gerod. "I live in a place called the USA...I think." You mutter, staring down at the ground in despair as you find less and less of your previous identity in your head. "I just wish to return back to where I came."
"I do not know where I can find this USA you've mentioned, but I have many friends wiser than I." Gerod admits to you without a hint of shame, as if he had long ago accepted the fact that he was not the brightest of creatures. "Maybe one of them could help you in finding your way back home? There are many out there who have seen and learned more than I, I am certain they will be able to help."
You look at the griffon with renewed hope as you begin to grasp the concept that this creature before you could help you to return to your home. Even thought you cannot remember much of your previous life, you still knew that what was happening to you now is not how you were meant to live. You know that you are meant to be human, not a winged beast of the air. And though now you are a sphinx, going back to your own would surely change you back to your human form and restore any and all memories you had lost.
"Gerod I would be most grateful if you would take me to see your wise friends so that I may find my way home." You say to the griffon, dipping into a low bow directed at the griffon.
"Well Alex, prepare yourself, for we have a long journey ahead of us so that we may meet my good friend, Dracul." Gerod says with a grin.
Written by Czar Lawrence III on 07 January 2013
Attempting to fly
"Well, let us go." Gerod says to you, flapping his wings as he turns himself about to face the open air. He takes a few jogging steps before breaking into a sprint, his wings unfurling as he flaps before taking off into the sky. You watch in amazement as the magnificent griffon takes to the sky, the sun outlining his muscular figure as he begins to fly off.
You snap out of your daze and set out to follow the griffon before he leaves you behind. You begin sprinting forward, flapping your wings before you leap off into the air, beating your wings furiously, hovering off the ground for a few glorious seconds before coming crashing down to the ground in a heap, a scream escaping your lips as you feel pain radiate throughout your body.
You hear wing beats again, and you look up to see Gerod, having turned about and flying back to help you out now. His feet grace the ground with their mighty presence as the griffon drops from the sky and lands, trotting a bit to lessen the impact. He looks over you as you struggle to get yourself back to your feet, a wry grin on his face telling you he's a bit less skeptic about your origins now than he was a few minutes ago.
"You truly have never flown before, have you pretty woman?" The griffon laughs, helping you get to your feet with his muzzle. You feel a blush creep to your face as you look away, not wanting to look at those eyes that judge so harshly.
"I told you, I'm not supposed to be here." You tell the griffon again, flapping your wings as you prepare to make another attempt at flying.
"You flapped too hard." The griffon says to you, startling you and breaking your concentration. "You cannot flap your wings like you are bashing a skull in, you must do it evenly and with grace. Flying is not about pure strength, it is a rhythmic dance with the wind and sky."
You nod your head as you try to understand his words. You flap your wings once more as you prepare to fly again. With a running start, you begin to flap your wings and leap from the air, staying up longer than before, but not succeeding in taking to the sky.
"Closer, Alex!" Gerod says with a smile, running up to you. "Much closer! Come, try again, I'm sure you will get it this time!" He says with a great smile.
You groan as you work your way to your feet, but you stand there, heart pounding as you flap your wings, ready for flight. Your feet began to smack against the ground as you start running, and you make a fantastic leap into the air, wings beating as one in a slow, deliberate pattern.
"I-I'm flying!" You scream at Gerod, who takes off after you. "I'm flying!"
Written by Czar Lawrence III on 20 January 2013
You pant heavily as you and Gerod fall to the ground, many miles from where you had started your flight, your wings feeling like fire has engulfed your sore muscles as you land for the night. Gerod is less affected by this, as he lands next to you with a grin on his face as you fall to the ground, panting and huffing from the great exertion you had spent trying to get as far as you possibly could.
"How...do you...do this?" You huff to the griffon, looking up at him from your uncomfortable spot on the ground. "I...can barely breathe...my wings...hurt...ugh!" You groan as you slide your wings about, the mere movement making you wince from agony.
"I have been flying for many years now, Alex. It is not so hard to fly when you have spent as much of your life in the air as you have walking along the ground." The griffon responds to your question with great pride and mirth. "Though your story truly does become more and more believable with each passing moment I spend with you...for sure I have never met a creature as strange as you, my dear Alex."
"Well I apologize...Gerod." You groan, working your sore and throbbing body to an upright position, though you continue to lay on the ground. "But I did tell you I am not...from this world." You pause for a second, taking in a deep gulp of air to try and calm your pounding heart, the organ threatening to rupture your chest with its wild and powerful convulsions. "I am not used to flying...I did not fly even in my old life."
"Well I hope you understand the wonder of flight now!" Gerod guffaws merrily as he begins to walk off.
"Where are you going?! Don't leave me!" You cry out after him, suddenly feeling great fear well up in your heart as you imagine the thought of being alone in this world without a guide at your side to show you the ways of this strange new world. You begin fighting your legs to work as you try and get them underneath you so that you can follow your guide and only friend, though the griffon turns about to look at you with a gaze full of mirth and bemusement as you fall to the ground, unable to gather any discernible amount of strength.
"Do not worry, dear Alex, I am not leaving you." The griffon explains, nodding at the surrounding area to where you sit. "I am merely going to gather food for the two of us. You will need your strength for tomorrow, for we have many miles more to cover and you are in dire need of energy. Now rest, and I will be back in a short while with some food for you."
You calm down at the griffon's explanation, though you can't help but feel as if you are being watched as he vanishes into the shadows.
Written by Czar Lawrence III on 18 February 2013
The Fear
You can’t shake that feeling. That feeling that there’s something in the shadows, waiting for you. Just eager for your guard to be let down long enough for it to make you its victim, to desecrate your body in the most unholy of ways. A seed of fear has sprouted in your gut, ever since Gerod had left to go hunting. You try to guess how much time has passed since he left.
You drag a paw through the dirt, having accepted what has happened as strange happenstance. You always had an open mind, but now it is being fully pushed to its limit with dealing with these events.
A bush rustles to your left, and your heart begins to frantically beat in your chest. You feel blood rush to every fatigued part of your body, preparing for a fight, or to flee for your very life from whatever creature may be lurking in the woods. You look around frantically, trying to spot something in the bushes to put your mind at rest.
“G-gerod?” You call out, trying to push the fear out of your voice and out of your mind as you hope to whatever gods may look over this world that your one friend and ally had returned, and not some predator or foe who may wish harm unto you. “Gerod! Is that you?! Come out!” You scream into the bush, leaping to your feet when another bush rustles, this one much closer to where you lay. A soft growl splits through the air, and no amount of thought or courage stops you from freezing in place, every fiber of your being begging you to scream and fly away from whatever produces these sounds.
“I...I’m not afraid of you...!” You try to growl, your feminine voice coming across as fearful, betraying the front you try to put forward. The growl stops...the rustling continues.
“GEROD!” You scream again.
“Alex!” A familiar voice beckons, and you turn to see that griffon coming out of the bush from behind you, a deer at his feet, its wide eyes and bloody neck telling you all you need to know of its fate, but you pay it no heed as you rush forward and nuzzle the griffon affectionately, your whole body trembling against his. “Alex, what troubles you?” The male voice, a voice that would have projected more confidence than your own, asks.
“There...there was something here.” You explain, looking back to where the bushes had rustled just moments ago. You look back at the griffon, tears welling up in your eyes. “I...I’ll be safe with you, right, Gerod?” You dare to whisper, the vestiges of terror ebbing away as you gaze upon your mentor and friend.
“Of course, Alex.” Gerod whispers, his wing wrapping around you in a cushiony veil of feathers and muscle. “I will allow no harm to come to you. You mustn’t worry, these woods are safe. You are safe.” He affirms.
And yet you fear.
Written by Czar Lawrence III on 01 April 2013