You got through a door to you left labeled Venus. Who knows maybe you will be in some sort of testing area in Venus. As soon as you walk through the door you feel a tingling in your scalp and long red hair falls in luscious locks to your shoulders.
Then you grasp your stomach painfully as you feel new organs growing and current ones rearranging. There is a slight pulling sensation in your groin as you realize in horror that you are losing your manhood. But as that shrinks you feel two orbs push themselves out straight in front of your face. You are now fully Female!
You try to escape back through the door but it is locked and nothing you do opens it. Then you see a scientist walking up to you. You can tell that they are female.
"Welcome Newcomer to the Amazonian Research Lab. We are quite glad you have joined our order."
You think desperately trying to decide if you should Attack her or go with her.
What'll it be?
Written by Anonymous on 11 March 2013
The end (for now)