You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You sit under the tree
You sit under the tree.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
See? Keep moving or you get tranked. That's how the game is played.
Your relaxing moment under the tree is rudely interrupted by an abrupt transformation. You are hit by a tranquilizer dart, which turns you into a person with a tranquilizer dart stuck in their neck. It's an easy change. Of course, your train of thought gets about as far as "Oh good heavens, a dart of some kind. I'd betteeerrgmphqq," at which point the dart takes effect, and you slump under the tree like a drugged-up rag doll. A half-hearted twitch is all the moving you do for quite some time. Eventually, you wake up. When you do, you are...
Written by Zodiac on 27 January 2007
The Institute
Whatever was in the tranquilizer, it's not very eager to wear off. In the vague fog between awake and asleep, you learn that you are in a sitting position, in a mildly comfortable chair, and there is a nice-sounding voice welcoming you to the Transformational Institute.
Your mind clears. You are in what appears to be some sort of lobbey. The walls are covered with mirror tiles (probably one-way mirrors hiding cameras, you note), as are the ceiling and floor. There is also a plain white desk, with an attractive woman in a labcoat sitting behind it.
On the wall behind her you see an elevator, and a frightening-looking black double door marked "Main Lab." On the wall to your right, there is a far friendlier door with a smiley face on it and a large orange "Welcome" painted on it. The woman in the labcoat smiles at you.
"Just pick a door and you'll be on your way."
So, which door do you pick?
Written by Zodiac on 27 January 2007
The Main Lab
Feeling brave, you pass through the imposing double doors and find yourself in a seemingly endless hallway. On either side are doors. The door behind you is locked, so your only option is to pick a new door. Where do you go from here?
Written by Zodiac on 28 February 2007
More hallway
You decide to just keep walking down the hall. All you see, though, is more and more doors. And the names on the doors seem less and less appealing as you go. An unseen speaker clicks on, telling you to please select one of the side doors immediately.
Written by Zodiac on 09 April 2007
You got through a door to you left labeled Venus. Who knows maybe you will be in some sort of testing area in Venus. As soon as you walk through the door you feel a tingling in your scalp and long red hair falls in luscious locks to your shoulders.
Then you grasp your stomach painfully as you feel new organs growing and current ones rearranging. There is a slight pulling sensation in your groin as you realize in horror that you are losing your manhood. But as that shrinks you feel two orbs push themselves out straight in front of your face. You are now fully Female!
You try to escape back through the door but it is locked and nothing you do opens it. Then you see a scientist walking up to you. You can tell that they are female.
"Welcome Newcomer to the Amazonian Research Lab. We are quite glad you have joined our order."
You think desperately trying to decide if you should Attack her or go with her.
What'll it be?
Written by Anonymous on 11 March 2013
The end (for now)