Female horsy
The genie smiles at your choice. "An interesting choice for you to make."
You gulp hearing that asking in a nervous voice. "What did I end up picking?"
"Why female centaur of course" he laughs at you.
"Let me pick again." You plead with him.
"Nope. You had your choice and you made it." he says scattering a powder which smells like a mixture of grass and hay all over you.
Immediately the changes begin. Looking down you see the start of your new breasts pushing out the shirt and a corresponding decrease in your pants.
At first you think your shirt is shrinking but then you realise you are growing taller and just below the shirt are the lumps for your front legs. Soon the lumps have formed into hooves and are being pushed out by the rest of the new legs.
Your original waist has now grown out and is stretching the pants which soon snap and fall to the floor. Although with the horse fur and the lack of anything outside their is nothing left to cover.
The front legs have reached the ground by now as your balance shifts to keep you upright. Looking back you see the back legs changing, the fur covering them as well as the hooves bursting out of the shoes.
Meanwhile back on what is left of your human body, the chest has grown out and is stretching the shirt. As you watch the bottom of the shirt changes, moving up to provide the material for the new bra you feel forming along with the enlarged chest.
You flick your tail in annoyance at all the changes, before you look back and see the tail for the first time. You then feel the fur growing all over your lower body, finishing the change to make you look like a real centauress.
The genie smiles and you are surrounded by mirrors allowing you to see every part of your body. "Now while you are looking at yourself I will get your enclosure ready."
"Enclosure?" You ask.
He nods. "I did tell you before you made the choice you would be going to my zoo."
He disappears leaving you in the ball of mirrors. When all of a sudden they disappear, leaving you on a plain with a forest in the distance, beyond that a mountain and even a stream flowing from the forest past you.
Written by catprog + Universal6 on 18 December 2012
The end (for now)