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You decide to go to his house and show your friend there; no sense in making this a public scene. You also don't want to have this necklace taken from you and you know you can trust your friend. You tell him to make sure no one can look inside and close all the window blinds. Once that is taken care of you tell him about what happened at the store.


"Yeah right. If this actually happened then prove it." he said. You take off the necklace and smiled.


"Is this proof enough?" you ask looking at the shocked look on his face.


"But your- you even sound female!" he stared at your entire body in disbelief.


"Yep. I told you. I can take you to the store if you want to get something there." You say. "But only if you stop staring at my chest!" He jumps at your vixen side's sudden outburst and looks at your face quickly before your vixen side decided to slap him. You realize that you just yelled at your best friend and you look down in shame. "Sorry, ever since I put the costume on I've felt two sides of me, one is myself and the other is the vixen that just yelled at you. I know, you must think I'm crazy for saying this but it's true."


"It's okay. I'll go to that shop with you if it's still open." He says with a forgiving face. Your thoughts run across shopping and seeing a guy trying on a woman's cloths and you laugh not knowing how a thought that random could pop into your head. You get an idea as you think on it more. Maybe you could get a second accessory that makes your illusionary form into a female.


You arrive back at the shop wearing the necklace once again. You go in and talk to the shopkeeper about the accessory while your friend is looking at the free samples.

Written by Blaze The Anthro Gamer on 16 October 2012

Male The wizard gives it to you for free; friend picks same costume as you

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