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Inhuman Relations #16 emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You get within an arm's length of him before he snaps his head up, but you keep coming forward, misinterpreting his poisonous look as confusion and fear. He reels back in horror as you approach, slamming his hands forcibly into your chest to prevent you from moving any closer, keeping you, quite literally, at arm's length.


"Don't touch me," your brother hisses, thrusting you away and off-balance with his masculine palms. "Monster."


"Monster?" You gasp, steadying yourself once more. "But, my brother, you are mistaken! It is me! I'm so sorry for what I did...but I've made it better now --- see? You are alive again! That is all that matters, surely?"


"All that matters? It matters for nothing! I would rather have taken my revenge in my own way, rather than have you 'bring me back' to face the questions and mourning at home. If you had not have squirmed free, like the worm that you are, I would have drowned you in that lake! The dragon would have had your rotting carcass! And I would have my revenge"


You flinch as if struck across the face and drop to your knees, shaking your head desperately, so furiously that your neck aches from the pressure. How can you believe such a thing? Surely it is mere words spoken in anger and nowhere near the truth? And if not...


"You... You were the one that tried to drown me?" You stammer out at last, hands shaking terribly. "But why? I was putting the wrong to rights! Why would you drown me?"


"For your crime against me," he answers you in an icy tone; the genie observes this exchange with a gleeful glimmer sparkling at the corners of his eyes.


You look about in bewilderment, eyes casting over rocks and distant foliage, hoping against hope that you might see something or gain inspiration from which you may appease his ill wishes against you.


"Please tell me..." You plead, crawling closer as your brother backs away. "Abel, don't leave me like this... Brother, tell me what I may do to redeem myself in your eyes. Name it and it should be done!"


"There is only one thing, which you may do in redemption, Cain," your brother says loftily, looming above. On your knees and with fat tears rolling down your cheeks, you look pleadingly to him, clasping your hands at your chest.


"Anything, my brother, anything!"


He strokes his chin thoughtfully, fingers grazing the hint of stubble that he was prone to in his old life, or your home world, something you remember all too well. What is he thinking? What is he concealing from you? The thoughts beg you to rise, shake the truth out of him, but you hold your position with passionate determination, knowing that you will abide by whatever decision he makes for his sake and yours. He will be fair to you: you believe in him more than any other.


"You think you will be returning home with me...right?" He remarks casually, a small, cruel smile tugging at his thin lips. You nod your head fervently --- this was indeed what you had expected, although now nagging doubt creeps into your mind.


Written by Amethyst Mare on 28 June 2012

Male Nope

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